Soap Flowers Bouquet Blue Rose & carnation
Soap Flowers Bouquet Blue Rose & carnation
The Perfect Eco-Friendly Luxury Bath Gift for All Occasions
Soap Flowers Bouquet Blue Rose & Carnation is an exquisite representation of classic romance and New Beginnings Each flower in this stunning bouquet is artfully crafted from high quality soap, skill fully shaped to emulate the natural allure of real blooms The vibrant blue roses in the bouquet are symbolic of romanticism, and sensitivity and feelings, while the delicate carnations add a touch of mystery and finesse.
This bouquet is more than just a visual delight it's an experience of luxury, Expertly arranged and adorned with an elegant ribbon, the bouquet stands as a captivating centre piece, perfect for adding a romantic touch to any setting As the petals gently dissolve in water, they release a subtle fragrance, turning an ordinary bath into a serene, fragrant retreat The soap not only leaves the skin feeling refreshed and nourished but also encapsulates the essence of a heartfelt gift.
Each bouquet is Cruelty free Vegan friendly SLS & Paraben free and suitable for all skin types.
Embrace the art of elegant gifting with Blue Rose & Carnation Soap Flowers Bouquet Whether as a token of love, a decorative masterpiece, or a pampering spa experience, this bouquet is sure to enchant.
Order now and let the beauty of Blue roses and carnations transform your expression of affection into an unforgettable gift idea or treat for yourself or loved one.
Usage Instructions for Soap Flowers Bouquet
- For Hand Washing: Gently pluck a petal from the soap flower. Lather between your hands with water, wash, and rinse thoroughly.
- For Bathing: Take a few petals off the soap flowers and scatter them in your bathwater. They will dissolve, releasing a delicate fragrance and moisturising agents for a luxurious bath experience.
- As Room Fragrance: Place the bouquet in your bathroom or any area of your home to enjoy its subtle, refreshing scent. No water needed; just let the soap flowers' natural aroma gently perfume your space
Storage Instructions for Soap Flowers Bouquet
- Keep Dry: Store the soap flowers bouquet in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to preserve its scent and shape.
- Proper Ventilation: Ensure the storage area is well-ventilated to prevent any dampness that could affect the soap flowers.
- Original Packaging: If possible, keep the bouquet in its original packaging to protect it from dust and other contaminants, ensuring it remains fresh and clean until its next use.
Size 16-14-14 CM